




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(August 18, 2024) Original
(October 13, 2024) New Trailers (#2-#3)
(December 8, 2024) New Trailer (#4) — New Posters (#2-#3)
(January 19, 2025) New Trailer (#5) — New Poster (#4) — New Release Date (changed from 1.17.2025)

Release Date:

January 24, 2025


From IMDb: “Showcases a suburban house inhabited by a mysterious entity.”

Poster Rating: C- / C / C / C+

Review: (#1, C-) The hazy image is an attempt to keep this from looking like a rather lame, title-only design. Highlighting Steven Soderbergh’s most noteworthy films is not the selling point they hope.

(#2, C) The shadow could be seen to suggest another figure in the room, the titular “presence,” but it’s still like watching paint dry: dull. (#3, C) While you don’t see a lot of films using a negative image to create tension, this effort doesn’t succeed in creating mysterious or upheaval the way some efforts of the past have.

(#4, C+) In this scene from the film, it does set up the disconnected nature of the camera fairly well and for a Dolby design, it’s surprisingly low-key in its lettering. The design isn’t likely to engage the viewer though it might create some pensivity with the two empty chairs and what appears to be an empty place-setting.

Trailer Rating: D / C+ / C+ / C

Review: (#1, D) This is a dull, lifeless teaser that tells the viewer absolutely nothing about the film except that it was made by the same guy who made all those other films, some of which aren’t worth being listed side-by-side with others. It’s a pedantic and utterly uninteresting design.

(#2-#3, C+) These two designs use the same motif while there are more details in the second, the first has more palpable dramatic tension to the music making neither slightly better than the other.

(#4, C) While it’s nice to see more about the film’s premise, it becomes apparent quickly that there’s not much new or revolutionary on display in this film. It’s a generic premise with generic thrills.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Trailer #3

Trailer #4


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4

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