Page Revisions:
(June 5, 2022) Original
(August 28, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
Release Date:
September 8, 2022
From IMDb: “A darker version of the classic children’s fairy tale of a wooden puppet that transforms into a real living boy.”
Poster Rating: C / C+
Review: (#1) Overly simplistic, like many of Disney’s recent poster designs. It might speak to everyone who’s known the character, but it doesn’t say much of anything to them.
(#2) It’s an improved design that sets the figures of the film forward, but will this be enough to compel attendance? Maybe.
Trailer Rating: C / C
Review: (#1) If you don’t put “When You Wish Upon a Star” into your trailer, could it be considered malpractice? How about not giving the rest of the trailer the sense of wonder that song deserves? Such a waste of material.
(#2) We finally get a full visual look at the film itself and while some of the images are nice and colorful, the content is uninspired, the music poorly chosen, and the premise fuzzy.
Oscar Prospects:
Is this releasing solely on Disney Plus? If that’s the case, then this won’t have any Oscar potential. If not, then it could be a minor creative contender.
Trailer #1
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