Page Revisions:
(April 17, 2022) Original
(June 19, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(July 10, 2022) New Posters (#3-#12)
Release Date:
July 15, 2022
From IMDb: “Hank, a loveable dog with a head full of dreams about becoming a samurai, sets off in search of his destiny.”
Poster Rating: C- / C / C- (9) / C-
Review: (#1) A cheap backdrop and characters that aren’t appealing. It looks like a cheap knock-off of Kung Fu Panda.
(#2) The cheapness of the film’s animation is brought to bear on a trailer that doesn’t have much appeal.
(#3-#11) These character posters are cheap and cheesy looking. They use color for backgrounds with no detail, large blocky text for detail and mediocre-animated designs for the central images. (#12) No background for this Russian design just confirms how terrible the film is likely to be.
Trailer Rating: D / D
Review: (#1) Back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a high demand for cheap Disney sequels and animated originals on the home video front. This looks every bit the continuation of that business model and that’s a bad thing. The whole thing looks terrible and unfunny, a waste of good talent.
(#2) Giving the viewer more information about the plot won’t overcome the utterly cruddy looking animation and the uninspired humor. If this appeals to any but the most young and uncomplicated of viewers, I would be surprised.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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