




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(June 16, 2024) Original
(August 18, 2024) New Trailer (#2)
(November 24, 2024) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#2-#13)
(February 9, 2025) New Posters (#14-#17) — New Release Date (changed from 1.17.2025)

Release Date:

February 14, 2025


From IMDb: “Follows Paddington and the Brown family as they visit Aunt Lucy in Peru, but a mystery sends them to the Amazon rainforest and up Peruvian mountains.”

Poster Rating: B- / C+ / C+ (11) / C (4)

Review: (#1, B-) It certainly gives the audience a sense of place and a reference to the titular character but it’s surprisingly devoid of compelling details, the birds and the plane being too little too late.

(#2, C+) A nice attempt to feature all of the characters, the design work is shoddy with the touch-ups and PhotoShopping work obvious and halting. (#3-#13) It’s nice to have a set of character posters where each background is different and each character is posed uniquely but the whole series feels a bit tacked-on with limited creative impetus in any of them.

(#14-#17, C) This series of holiday posters try to create charm but ultimately feel distracted and predictable.

Trailer Rating: B / C / B-

Review: (#1, B) The first two films are incredibly popular, so it’s no surprise the third one is being made but the decision to take the family and the popular toy to Peru is confusing. The trailer provides just enough information to tell what the story is and suggest the myriad adventures Paddington will be going on but it can’t quite stick the landing in a way that audiences will clamor to see it.

(#2, C) Taking the more successful bits of the first trailer and then dumbing them down into a small, plot-starved trailer feels like the opposite direction to go.

(#3, B-) Realizing that their prior effort was a bit too tepid, they’ve improved the blend of plot and excitement in this third trailer. You get a bit of story, a bit of humor, and a decent amount of creative energy. It still doesn’t quite excite those who’ve not seen the predecessors nor does it encourage them to want to see prior entries but it’s quaint and humorous enough for the fans.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Trailer #3


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5Poster #6

Poster #7Poster #8Poster #9

Poster #10Poster #11Poster #12

Poster #13Poster #14Poster #15

Poster #16Poster #17

Verified by MonsterInsights