Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: B
Review: Although the poster has elements that are derived from many other posters, the unique and interesting element
here is the path upon which the actors walk. Using the neck of the guitar as part of the poster design adds a certain level of artistic merit. Some might argue it’s a bit too strange for the rest of the poster’s surroundings, I think it works quite well.
Trailer Rating: B
Review: Even if you disregard
the critics’ endorsements that feature heavily in the film, the blend of music and scenes sets the audiences mind for the film’s theme. It seems to be a very interesting picture just from what we see in the trailer and may entice more than just your typical art house crowd to the cineplex.
Oscar Prospects:
While I’m doubtful the film will make much of an Oscar impact, any large measure of critical support and, if the music in the film is written for it, we could see an Original Song nomination or two. A lot will be determined by the film’s overall success.
Release Date:
May 16, 2007
A quiet film filled with amazing songs and telling a tender love story that develops all because of a shared love of music.
Page Revisions:
May 19, 2007 – Original
February 2, 2008 – Full Review Posted
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