Page Revisions:
(July 14, 2019) Original
(December 8, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#2-#4)
Release Date:
March 27, 2020
From IMDb: “A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. A live-action feature film based on Disney’s ‘Mulan.’”
Poster Rating: B+ / B+ / C / C+
Review: (#1) While it was never a design of the original animated feature, you can imagine this particular poster having been used for that film as it has just that level of creative energy.
(#2) This series of designs is most fascinating and I just hope they keep going because the details are rather amazing. (#3) The cheesy reflection here does little to improve the design’s bulky nature. (#4) It’s action-oriented, but feels forced. This design doesn’t have a lot of visual detail and the background seems out of place.
Trailer Rating: B- / B
Review: (#1) The trailer is a bit chaotic at times and other times feels forced. Deep beneath the surface, there’s something potentially exciting. If only it didn’t appear they were jettisoning the original songs from the original film. They really did make it even more special.
(#2) The strange part about this other than the removal of the wonderful original songs from the film is that many of those songs are used as instrumental underscore in this trailer and that’s both pleasing and infuriating simultaneously. The film looks ok.
Oscar Prospects:
The Disney live-action adaptations haven’t always been successful at the Oscars, though in the creative departments, it could be a player.
Trailer #1
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