




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: I get it. The date planner, the two potential conquests, the best friend. I understand it all. I just don’t like it. The over abundance of pink is nauseating and why they had to put Heather Graham on the poster only in her bra is strange and, not to mention, atypical due to its graphic nature (to some).

Trailer Rating: B-

Review: Part of me wants to think it would be interesting, but the other part of me wonders why Heather Graham had to adopt a fake British accent for the film. Typically romantic comedies or films taking place in a modern setting rely on the actors’ natural accents, but this one bucks that trend, which doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Oscar Prospects:

I would laugh a great deal of this film became an Oscar success story. Of course, that laughter would be followed by a quick turn of the dial away from the Oscars next year.

Release Date:

June 6, 2008

Page Revisions:

May 18, 2008 – Original

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