Page Revisions:
(April 9, 2023) Original
(July 23, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
(November 19, 2023) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#2-#9)
(December 17, 2023) New Posters (#10-#12)
Release Date:
December 22, 2023
From IMDb: “A family of ducks try to convince their overprotective father to go on the vacation of a lifetime.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C / C+ / C / C- (5) / D+ / C+ / C
Review: (#1, C+) This has a lot more relevance when knowing the plot of the film, but it seems like such a simple selection and that doesn’t create an impact.
(#2, C) You get some idea of the locale of the film, but the motion blur is a bit distracting and doesn’t do much to elevate the design. (#3, C+) A ducky Christmas tree. Interesting, but dull with a backdrop that doesn’t intrigue. (#4, C) We’ve seen plenty of posters designed to look like books, but this isn’t among the best. It’s simplistic, lacks specificity and won’t appeal to anyone. (#5-#9, C-) More simplistic designs that put in the least amount of effort in hopes of the maximum amount of return. While continuing the theme of the field guide is a nice touch, the end result is even less inspired.
(#10, D+) The lack of background details might help the foreground stick out, but it also makes the whole thing look incomplete. (#11, C+) It’s an intriguing choice to make this design look like a horror film, but that just adds a bit of character to it, though the blurred background makes the effort look a bit cheap. (#12, C) The use of blurring in these posters serves little purpose and while this is fitting to the setting, it looks terribly cheap.
Trailer Rating: C- / B+ / B
Review: (#1, C-) Spending half the trailer referencing all of the franchise Illumination has built is a bit tedious (especially since Minions is a spin off of Despicable Me and both are referenced). It then gets to a small amount of footage from the film, which only highlights how strange this whole early trailer release is.
(#2, B+) With a full understanding of the plot, this trailer does a lot of successful work setting up the familial relationships, though struggles to make it feel any different from the likes of The Croods and other films about recalcitrant fathers. That said, there’s one final joke at the end of the trailer that is played brilliantly. The only regret you should have is not getting to enjoy it in the theater.
(#3, B) Recycling some of the jokes of the prior trailer and introducing one or two more that are varied in their level of success, this trailer is perfectly willing to stagnate in favor of cheap laughs and a lack of desire to give too much more of the plot away.
Oscar Prospects:
A new Illumination film isn’t normally likely to score Oscar nominations, but in a meager year could be in play.
Trailer #1
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