Page Revisions:
(June 26, 2022) Original
(September 11, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
(October 2, 2022) New Poster (#2)
Release Date:
October 7, 2022
From IMDb: “Feature film based on the children’s book about a crocodile that lives in New York City.”
Poster Rating: B- / C+
Review: (#1) While it’s nice to have background details that feel like they fit, the design still feels unfinished with what appears to be a scene from the film with some added bubble effects for no reason.
(#2) For kids, this will probably be visually compelling, but it doesn’t have enough creative energy and ultimately feels cobbled-together.
Trailer Rating: C+ / C+
Review: (#1) The trailer starts off well with a mystery and eventually settles into a trite narrative expression that robs much of the film of its humor and dignity. The trailer then tries to go all-in to attract Shawn Mendes fans, but never makes a case for the film’s potential quality or lack thereof.
(#2) For kids, this trailer does a smashing job of conveying their potential interest in the film. Lots of action details, limited narrative elements, and ultimately a feeling of childishness. That’s going to make the film a must-see for youngsters and a provide the adult caregivers a sense of dread.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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