Page Revisions:
(August 28, 2022) Original
(November 27, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
Release Date:
December 23, 2022
From IMDb: “An English-language adaptation of the script of “Ikiru” (1952), set in London in the 1950s.”
Poster Rating: C
Review: For a film about living an extraordinary life, this design is utterly and irrevocably ordinary and uninspired.
Trailer Rating: B- / B-
Review: (#1) The repetitiveness of the daily actions makes the case for breaking out of one’s shell, but a lot of the fun times presented late in the trailer don’t seem nearly that exciting and Bill Nighy is never given enough to do.
(#2) There’s not a lot of difference between the prior trailer and this one. They both feel the same and seem about the same subject. While this one does a worse job of conveying the repetitiveness of Nighy’s character, it gets to the same point.
Oscar Prospects:
Some have put down Bill Nighy for Oscar consideration, but I have a hard time seeing that as a possibility for something that looks like a trifle.
Trailer #1
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