Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: C-
Review: What’s black and white and red all over? There are many possible answers to that old joke but this poster certainly doesn’t adequately answer it. There’s nothing very intersting about it and the line up of actors isn’t original, which further disappoints especially after such a funny trailer.
Trailer Rating: A-
Review: Seldom do foreign films pique my interest as much as this trailer has. While a good portion of the film’s plot is given away, the humor displayed in the preview is quite entertaining. Sure, we’ve seen lots of heist films, but this one seems to take a different twist as it pits thieves carrying out a heist from another thief, just one they don’t happen to like.
Oscar Prospects:
If Oscar had more of a funny bone, this film could be a contender. However, it prefers its foreign entries dramatic (hence the unnecessary loss of Amelie to No Man’s Land).
Release Date:
August 31, 2007
Page Revisions:
August 4, 2007 – Original
September 15, 2007 – New Poster
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