




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(June 25, 2023) Original
(August 18, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3) — New Release Date (changed from 10.6.2023) — New Summary

Release Date:

December 13, 2024


From IMDb: “Kraven ‘s complex relationship with his ruthless father, Nikolai Kravinoff, starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not only the greatest hunter in the world, but also one of its most feared. (Was: Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.)”

Poster Rating: C+ / C- / C

Review: (#1, C+) The empty backdrop combined with the skulls and antlers makes for a fitting, but dull design aesthetic. The title is nicely constructed, but the appeal is clearly the abs and that might entice some to the theater, but perhaps not enough.

(#2, C-) There’s simply not enough here to make the design interesting. There’s nothing attractive about the figure, the pose, the titling, the cheap-looking blood spatter. It all just sits there inefficiently. (#3, C) Taking the first poster’s image and shrinking it, putting a slightly bigger Aaron Taylor-Johnson slightly in the background, and then throwing in the haphazard blood-drawn mirrored K’s seem like an attempt to throw several things at the wall hoping they’ll stick while not succeeding.

Trailer Rating: B / C

Review: (#1, B) A surprisingly detailed first trailer for a comic book adaptation. The action isn’t exactly unique, but it’s interesting. That will give audiences just enough to pique their curiosities. That it doesn’t quite look like a conventional comic book movie helps.

(#2, C) The origin story becomes muddled and the action, while graphic, doesn’t suggest anything more than diverting. The lack of substance will make it hard for audiences to get interested in the effort but for fans of the character, that might be enough.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

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