Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: C+
Review: The poster’s designers have a significant problem. At first glance (and even second and third), this design looks like the kids are just laying on the ground in faux air-jumping poses. It’s distracting and it also must be said that the idea and the design aren’t that inventive anyway.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: The television phenomenon comes to the big screen. I fail to see why this was needed, but it’s clear Disney is trying to milk this franchise for everything it has and they assume that since Hannah Montana did so well that another musical feature could do boffo box office. It’s certainly possible, but from the trailer, the only thing that looks interesting about the film is the choreography.
Oscar Prospects:
Duplicating television success at the Oscars is impossible.
Release Date:
October 24, 2008
Page Revisions:
July 20, 2008 – Original
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