Page Revisions:
(June 30, 2024) Original
(September 29, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(October 13, 2024) New Trailer (#3)
Release Date:
November 15, 2024
From IMDb: “Plot under wraps. Rumored to follow two young women of religion who are drawn into a game of cat and mouse in the house of a strange man.”
Poster Rating: C / C+
Review: (#1, C) All the points this design gets for its wink and nod to the key turning point of the trailer are rendered useless with the lack of other details.
(#2, C+) The concept is workable but poorly executed with the figure looking out of place, unnecessarily blurry, and not particularly menacing. The title is fascinating and ties brilliantly into the trailer, as do the figures, but it feels like such a wasted effort.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B / B
Review: (#1, B+) If you had told me that M. Night Shyamalan had directed the film, I wouldn’t be surprised. Yet it isn’t his film and seems a little more intriguing than something he would direct. There aren’t a lot of details and whether or not this is an examination of faith is unclear. After all, but both the protagonists and the antagonist of the film seem to be working under the premise of pious acts. Perhaps a later trailer will make the concept more clear but until then, this is an excellent tease.
(#2, B) The first trailer went into depth about what the film was about. It didn’t quite give away the end but it presented fascinating concepts that might be interesting a cinematic way. This trailer gets into the set-up of the film itself, perhaps being comprised of the first ten minutes of the film itself. It’s not as effective or as interesting but the groundwork has already been laid so that the one-two punch of these trailers makes things most interesting.
(#3, B) There’s a tension to this film that largely comes through the trailers and while that will entice people to the theater, this latest trailer doesn’t seem to be trying to do anything new. The premise is more firmly referenced but it otherwise feels less compelling.
Oscar Prospects:
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