




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-

Review: They went out of their way to make Will Smith relatively off-putting. The hat is ugly and his parched lips are distracting. That the city is reflected in his glasses does helps make the poster a little more interesting, but we have seen that kind of reflection before.

Trailer Rating: C-; B; B-

Review: Another Will Smith film. It will be a huge success, despite looking like a crass, mean-spirited super hero flick that seems to be trying too hard to be anti-hero-chic.

I didn’t get a sense from the original trailer that there was too much of interest or note in this film. However, this second trailer gives it a bit more style, class and makes it seem far more interesting than it probably will be. It’s a good effort and I must admit that I’m interested, which means the trailer partially worked. It was, however, a bit much in the way of plot revelation, which does trigger my irritation with many of these Summer blockbuster previews.

The same old stuff in a new trailer. It’s not really new, but more along the lines of revamped. There is very minimal extra footage and if you take any time between seeing trailers, you would probably swear they were the same.

Oscar Prospects:

Visual Effects and Sound Editing are the only chances this film has at Oscar nominations and I don’t think either of those will materialize considering the Academy’s general refusal to recognize superhero films (the Spider-Man films excepted).

Release Date:

July 2, 2008


Squeezing every bit of originality out of its concept, Hancock fails on so many levels that it’s surprising the film isn’t a bigger success with audiences.

Page Revisions:

December 22, 2007 – Original
February 2, 2008 – New Poster; Buy the Poster Enabled
May 25, 2008 – New Trailer
June 22, 2008 – New Trailer
July 13, 2008 – Film Review Posted

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