




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(May 7, 2023) Original
(July 30, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#5-#8)
(August 20, 2023) New Release Date (changed from 8.11.2023)

Release Date:

August 25, 2023


From IMDb: “The ultimate wish fulfilment tale of a teenage Gran Turismo player whose gaming skills won a series of Nissan competitions to become an actual professional race car driver. Based on a true story.”

Poster Rating: C- / C+ / C- / C+ / C+ / C (2) / B-

Review: (#1) It’s amazing how such a conceptually pretty background would feel dreadfully dull with a sportscar and three characters placed without a single bit of inspiration. (#2) There isn’t a lot to this design, but an effort was made to give it a flourish of visual arcs. It looks like something that might have been used as the cover of one of the games on which the film is based. (#3) While it tackles the concept of a video game adaptation, it does so in such a bland and uninspired way that it feels relatively cheap. (#4) This does much better in conveying the gamer-to-racer conceit, but is also exceedingly simplistic.

(#5) A simple action piece that tells the audience enough, but does so minimally. (#6-#7) These two format designs are visually striking, but uninspired. (#8) The attempt to create something a bit more visually stimulating, this effort has some interesting affectations even if it’s terribly similar to prior efforts.

Trailer Rating: B / C

Review: (#1) A lot of video games adaptations try to remind fans of the games why they would be interested in seeing a live-action version of it. The producers have wisely leaned into the video game adaptation concept by making it about Gran Turismo players with a chance to sit behind an actual racing car wheel. It’s a fitting concept even if the trailer looks a little unoriginal otherwise.

(#2) We’ve already seen much of this action, which makes this a questionable choice to release. While there’s a lot of action, the narrative elements get lost too easily.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5Poster #6

Poster #7Poster #8

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