




Trailer Link

Release Date:

October 31, 2014


From IMDb: “The idea is simple: A married woman and a single man meet. They love, they argue, fists fly. A dog strays between town and country. The seasons pass. The man and woman meet again. The dog finds itself between them. The other is in one, the one is in the other and they are three. The former husband shatters everything. A second film begins: the same as the first, and yet not. From the human race we pass to metaphor. This ends in barking and a baby’s cries.”

Poster: C / C

Review: (#1-#2) The two posters are almost are nearly identical. The American poster uses a 3D image that might be impressive with 3D glasses, but is otherwise destruction. The French poster is more identifiable as a more distant version of the American, but without the 3D nonsense, but that doesn’t make it more interesting.

Trailer: C

Review: The trailer certainly conjures up images of the French New Wave, of which the film’s director (Jean-Luc Godard) was a key contributor. That will undoubtedly drawn fans of the movement, but everyone else will be left wondering just what this film is about, if anything.

Oscar Prospects:



(November 30, 2014) Original

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