Page Revisions:
(July 16, 2023) Original
(September 10, 2023) New Trailer (#2)
(November 12, 2023) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#2-#7)
(November 26, 2023) New Poster (#8)
(October 12, 2023) New Trailer (#4)
Release Date:
December 1, 2023
From IMDb: “Godzilla appears in a post WW2 Japan, which is at their low point at zero, and knocks the country down one to the negatives”
Poster Rating: B / C+ (3) / C+ / C- / C / C-
Review: (#1, B) While I’m not normally one to enjoy a white background, it’s used to solid effect here with a giant G, the titular figure inset, and the rest of the setting coming through in the remaining title. It works surprisingly well.
(#2-#4, C+) While the blue coloration of the first IMAX design is somewhat pleasing, none of these format posters is terribly exciting. (#5, C+) An interesting watercolor effort that lacks a richness of color palette that could have elevated the effort. (#6, C-) It’s Godzilla and the “Minus One” is oppressively large for a poster like this. None of it works well together. (#7, C) While there is a certain profoundness to the size and destruction in this poster, it’s a rather simplistic effort that doesn’t present any artistic excellence.
(#8, C-) The lighting effects are interesting, but the design is too minimal.
Trailer Rating: C+ / C / B- / C+
Review: (#1, C+) It’s a teaser that definitely makes a strong appeal towards Godzilla fans, especially those of the non-Hollywood efforts, but there’s not enough here to be truly compelling.
(#2, C) Almost the same information is presented in this trailer as it was in the first. There are a few more scenes of destruction, but nothing of measurable compulsion. Audiences aren’t likely to give this film a chance unless they are major Toho Godzilla fans.
(#3, B-) The narrative is given some attention here although the origin and arrival of Godzilla himself is not. There’s plenty of excitement and destruction to please disaster fans, but perhaps not enough to entice any of those who aren’t also Godzilla fans.
(#4, C+) More of the historical perspective is on display in the trailer, but it wants to emphasize the critical appreciation of the film, which doesn’t balance well with the imagery on screen.
Oscar Prospects:
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