




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: Overly simplified and obvious, the poster features the diamond, the hallway and the two stars from the preview. It’s in no way exceptional in design or execution.

Trailer Rating: C

Review: It’s not often that we get to see a period-set heist film, but this one doesn’t look extremely appealing. Demi Moore looks like she may be giving a much more toned-down performance, but Caine seems to be in coast mode as he takes on his second heist film role in as many years. I can’t imagine him being much more successful here.

Oscar Prospects:

When the much older Sean Connery teamed up with the several-years-his-junior Catherine Zeta-Jones for a heist film, there wasn’t even a flinch from Academy members, except maybe to turn off their then-VCR players.

Release Date:

March 28, 2008

Page Revisions:

February 9, 2008 – Original

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