




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: Way too simple. Way too bright. This poster has no drawing focus. Even the crossed fingers, implying a lie, fails to spark the imagination, nor does the vivid red dress.

Trailer Rating: B

Review: This might be a fun romantic comedy, but every frame of the trailer makes it seem like the kind of film we’ve all seen dozens of times before. Girl meets boy while she’s mistaken for or pretending to be someone else. Boy falls in love with girl and vice versa, but she doesn’t think he will love her when he finds out, so she tries to keep it a secret. The secret comes out, she thinks she’s lost the guy, but he comes back in the end. Sound familiar at all?

Oscar Prospects:

No Oscars for the broken- or mended-hearted.

Release Date:

April 15, 2008

Page Revisions:

April 13, 2008 – Original

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