




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-; C

Review: Two posters to open is quite rare. The first poster is a bit more traditional featuring members of the comedy’s cast in positions around the title, shaped in the form of the Tower of Pisa with the main characters taking dominance. It’s pleasing to the eye, but not very spectacular.

The second poster is less intriguing, even though it does use one of the early catch phrases from the trailer. The fish is modestly clever dress in its little Italian flag, but it says very little about the film itself.

Trailer Rating: C

Review: There’s nothing original or inventive in this trailer to encourage the traditional romantic comedy audience into the theater. It’s not emotionally engaging and the performances don’t look terribly interesting. The romantic interests are pretty, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much grounding in reality.

Oscar Prospects:


Release Date:

September 5, 2008

Page Revisions:

July 27, 2008 – Original

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