Page Revisions:
(August 28, 2022) Original
(November 20, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
Release Date:
December 9, 2022
From IMDb: “A love story set in and around a beautiful old cinema on the South Coast of England in the 1980s.”
Poster Rating: B- / C+
Review: (#1) It’s overly simplistic, but seems to fit the tone of the film rather well. Perhaps it could be clearer who these figures are and that they aren’t more interested in the fireworks than the movies as this image would suggest.
(#2) A commonplace poster style with three panels, none of which are particular compelling by themselves even though the fit decently into their own mini-narrative.
Trailer Rating: B / B-
Review: (#1) Having Toby Jones succinctly explain what cinema is, especially the original notion of the motion picture, might foster interest among cineastes, but the trailer doesn’t quite make the case for a mass audience to find something rewarding in it.
(#2) The relationship between the central characters is given more light in this trailer, but it struggles to make that dynamic compelling and while Olivia Colman shines, the film’s lack of narrative drive makes it a tough sell.
Oscar Prospects:
The Academy loves movies about the movies and this looks to be the perfect film for their taste. Could be a major Oscar player this year.
Trailer #1
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