




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C-

Review: If the poster weren’t drawn, it might be more interesting. Although many of the great posters in history were hand drawn, this one isn’t one of them. It’s unnecessarily photo realistic and doesn’t really give an appropriate feeling for the film.

Trailer Rating: C-; C

Review: The teaser features a rather annoying voice over from Jennifer Lopez. She can sing and occasionally act, but her voice just does not lend itself well to narration. The trailer gives you more background than the teaser, but is generally the same. Lopez’ voice is far less common in the trailer, however. This looks like a Spanish twist on the Walk the Line formula.

Oscar Prospects:

Marc Anthony could surprise, but Lopez is quite simply out of contention. It’s not even likely that Anthony will figure in the Oscar race, so you might as well not even think about it.

Release Date:

August 3, 2007


I have not seen this film.

Page Revisions:

April 21, 2007 – Original
June 9, 2007 – New Release Date
July 28, 2007 – Buy the Poster Enabled

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