Page Revisions:
(December 23, 2018) Original
(May 26, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#1-#6)
(September 15, 2019) New Posters (#7-#29)
Release Date:
September 20, 2019
From IMDb: “Plot unknown. Movie based on the popular British television show, Downton Abbey.”
Poster Rating: B- / C+ / C (4) / C (10) / C (9) / C+ / C- / C / C
Review: (#1) Everyone is strategically arrayed, but they aren’t quite well laid in as while the viewer may briefly believe them to be in the shot together, the reality fades quickly. (#2) The cast is a welcome sight, but couldn’t they have come up with something less dull for a backdrop? (#3-#6) This series of character posters, getting ready for an event, are interesting and might be compelling to fans, but not to the general public.
(#7-#16) This series of character posters puts notable pairs into two different backgrounds, one upstairs, one downstairs, and neither incredibly interesting. (#17-#25 & #29) This series is a bit more interesting than the prior as it places them in places appropriate to the characters’ stations, but the designs still feel rather rudimentary. (#26) Upstairs-Downstairs in a fitting, if uninspired design. (#27) In golden filigree, the estate of Downton Abbey doesn’t quite have the appeal it deserves. (#28) Return to Downton Abbey in this predictable, if warm and approachable design.
Trailer Rating: B / B
Review: (#1) If you’re a fan of the original, you’ll recognize elements of the trailer, some more quickly than others. While the question might be how they intend to shift the experience from television to the big screen, you can tell from the sweeping crane shot up the side of Downton Abbey as well as the swelling and more bountiful score, which should please fans.
(#2) The plot reveals itself as does a sense of forward-thinking vision that has often been exhibited in the series with its heart full on its sleeve. Plenty of moments that thrill and excite. Any fan of the series should want to catch this movie.
Oscar Prospects:
It might contend in Production Design and Costume Design, but I doubt elsewhere.
Trailer #1
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