




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: It is a bit too simplistic, but it is symbolically relevant and sparse enough to be attractive. It should draw a few people up to take a closer look, but I don’t know how many audience members it will attract.

Trailer Rating: B+

Review: While I’m fairly certain I know the outcome of the story from the trailer alone, there are some interesting and involving elements to this story. It doesn’t feel as stage bound as some other recent stage-to-screen adaptations, but it does have seem a bit more talky than most recently traditional big screen dramas.

Oscar Prospects:

This will either soar or flop. Like The History Boys before it, Broadway’s dramas have had a much less successful time adapting to the big screen. However, with Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Viola Davis and Philip Seymour Hoffman starring, it could still do quite well.

Release Date:

December, 2009


Meryl Streep and Viola Davis give terrific performance in this morality tale about when to stand by your convictions and when to give in to your doubts.

Page Revisions:

September 21, 2008 – Original

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