Page Revisions:
(May 8, 2022) Original
(July 31, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
(September 18, 2022) New Posters (#2-#7)
Release Date:
September 23, 2022
From IMDb: “A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company may be hiding disturbing secrets.”
Poster Rating: C / C / C / C (3) / C
Review: (#1) There’s a bit of symbolism and a bit of blending here that almost works, but most passers-by aren’t going to get it and are certainly not going to be compelled to see the film.
(#2) This is a bit too similar to the prior design, though at least we have a more thematic representation even if it’s cheap looking. (#3) There’s an unnecessary blur to this and while it seems like it could be a still from the film, it’s a poorly chosen one. (#4-#6) Using the same aesthetic as the prior designs doesn’t work well for character posters, especially ones that say almost nothing about the film other than the title, which is spread across them. (#7) More of the same and it’s all forgettable.
Trailer Rating: A / A-
Review: (#1) A perfectly constructed trailer that suggests mystery without giving away details, builds to a satisfying conclusion, and ultimately does everything necessary to get the audience involved in the narrative.
(#2) It’s hard to overstate how difficult it is to make a film look as compelling both in a type of teaser format as well as a full length trailer format. Whoever is working on this film’s advertising is doing a smashing job as the film keeps its mysterious twists and turns vague while continuing to make it look most compelling. That “tick tock” overlay tarnishes what is otherwise a fascinating design.
Oscar Prospects:
This might well be one of the year’s Oscar sleeper hits. It’s a period film, is strange, and it has a lot of prominent actors.
Trailer #1
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