Page Revisions:
(October 10, 2021) Original
(February 20, 2022) New Posters (#2-#3)
Release Date:
December 25, 2021
From IMDb: “Too self-conscious to woo Roxanne himself, wordsmith Cyrano de Bergerac helps young Christian nab her heart through love letters.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C+ / C+
Review: (#1) If only this design could have had more going on in the background. The concept and the execution are solid within the Dinklage segment, but it otherwise looks rather uninspired.
(#2) It’s not wildly different than the prior design and that blank background just makes it look utterly dull. (#3) More details than the two prior design, but none of the new information is very compelling.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: This trailer almost sells itself to the audience with its inventiveness. The color-blind casting is an interesting choice, as is a musical being given songs in the trailer itself, but the second song lingers longer than the first in spite of its blandness.
Oscar Prospects:
The film has lots of period details and early buzz gives Peter Dinklage a distinct possibility of a nomination.
Trailer #1
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