Page Revisions:
(April 9, 2023) Original
(July 16, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)
Release Date:
August 18, 2023
From IMDb: “A Mexican teenager finds an alien beetle that gives him superpowered armor.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C / B-
Review: (#1) It’s a very lovely scarab that matches the blue title, but there’s nothing much else to this design worth getting excited over.
(#2) The beetle in the background seems unnecessary and the pose of the foreground is fitting but dull. It’s a perfunctory design. (#3) The eighties aesthetic is probably unintentional. It has a nice balance and lots of insets that tell us about the characters and film. Yet, it still feels a bit staid.
Trailer Rating: B- / B-
Review: (#1) For a DC superhero movie, this trailer is notably missing a lot of the pomp and circumstance. It almost feels like Warner Bros. is dumping this without much fanfare because its central characters are Hispanic. The trailer has a lot of action in it and there’s just enough story to make it interesting.
(#2) If you’ve seen one superhero action trailer, you’ve seen them all and this trailer doesn’t chart a new path through that familiarity. The humor of the prior trailer trickles almost to a stop in the second one and that’s not going to engender excitement.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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