Page Revisions:
(May 15, 2022) Original
(November 6, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(November 27, 2022) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#3-#13)
(December 11, 2022) New Posters (#14-#20)
Release Date:
December 16, 2022
From IMDb: “Jake Sully lives with his newfound family formed on the planet of Pandora. Once a familiar threat returns to finish what was previously started, Jake must work with Neytiri and the army of the Na’vi race to protect their planet.”
Poster Rating: C / C+ / C / C (9) / C / C / C / C (2) / C / C / C
Review: (#1) The water reflecting on the face is a nice touch, but it’s not terribly interesting otherwise.
(#2) Several elements here makes for some variety, but they are all very simple and ultimately lacking in diversity and creative energy.
(#3) It tells you what you’re seeing, but is uninspirational. (#4-#12) A series of unimpressive character designs that show off the characters without so much as a detailed background to survey them in. (#13) Another design that lacks the excitement factor that would help it sell the film.
(#14) Rather than looking interesting, it looks incredibly fake with a backdrop that looks painted rather than authentic. (#15) Another failed IMAX design that doesn’t quite tell the story and even what little it does, that being the unique sea creatures, is somewhat lost. (#16-#17) Another pair of character posters to go with the previous two. (#18) It’s a little more interesting than design #14 and has a little more familiarity in it, but it’s still uninspired. (#19) Like the prior designs, this on looks a bit too fake. (#20) Less interesting than any of the previous, the attempt to create a visual connection between the figure and the creature works, but isn’t terribly exciting or appealing.
Trailer Rating: C / B / C+
Review: (#1) It’s an early teaser for the film, so there isn’t much to look at; however, the first film is now something of a punchline, having faded in relevance since its release and this trailer does nothing to wipe away any of those impressions.
(#2) We’re finally told a wee bit more about the narrative than he teaser, but apart from the stunning setting and effects, the film seems to lack a compelling narrative. Matter of fact, it doesn’t look too far removed from the first film and if there’s one defining attribute of the first film is its modest, but depth-starved screenplay.
(#3) There’s a certain mystery that needs to be preserved for every film, but after the prior trailer, there was little reason to stay cautious about its contents. Yet, this trailer does just that. It gives some details, but insufficient ones to make it seem exciting.
Oscar Prospects:
The first film was a big Oscar player, but it’s been too many years since that film’s release and I can’t see the Academy giving this film the kind of welcome it first got. That said, Sound and Visual Effects nominations seem certain with a win for Visual Effects a real possibility.
Trailer #1
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