




Trailer Link

Release Date:

October 11, 2013


From IMDb: “Based on the 1930 classic by Faulkner, it is the story of the death of Addie Bundren and her family’s quest to honor her wish to be buried in the nearby town of Jefferson.”

Poster: C / C

Review: I don’t understand the coffin motif as it relates to the film, just to the title, which doesn’t make for a very compelling image.

Of course, going the complete opposite direction and going uber-simple highlighting director and star James Franco isolates the rest of the film’s cast and makes this seem like an entirely superficial, egotistical production.

Trailer: C-

Review: It almost seems like the trailer designers were trying to go for something creative, but A) the trailer is all over the place and seldom is it emotionally engaging; and B) the kid’s voice over is kinda creepy, which I’m sure wasn’t the intention.

Oscar Prospects:



(October 6, 2013) Original

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