




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(November 17, 2024) Original
(January 12, 2025) New Trailer (#2)
(February 2, 2025) New Posters (#3-#4)

Release Date:

November 20, 2024


From IMDb: “A woman married to an important politician during the military dictatorship in Brazil is forced to reinvent herself and chart a new path for herself and her children after her family’s life is impacted by a violent and arbitrary act.”

Poster Rating: C / C / C+ / C

Review: (#1, C) The subtle smile does some heavy lifting with regard to the film’s plot but not enough to make it compelling by itself. (#2, C) The rosy tones prevent the title from standing out sufficiently and the side shot doesn’t add any measurable depth.

(#3, C+) A nicely drawn effort that isn’t easily explained without seeing the film first, so it would cause more confusion than interest. (#4, C) It’s the first design with some added background details. It does admittedly look like a more complete design but nothing exceptional.

Trailer Rating: C+ / B+

Review: (#1, C+) The soundscape of the trailer is fascinating at times with a syncopated rhythm that creates a measure of tension. The trailer unfortunately focuses too much on the one scene of Renate Reinsve laughing seeming uncontrollably without sufficiently explaining why or giving a sufficient reason for the viewer to want to find out.

(#2, B+) The first trailer was a bit unnerving and didn’t do much to sell the viewer. I’m not sure the second one sells it that well either but the soundscape, music, and intriguing use of subtitles makes for a most compelling experience. It engages the viewer in a way most movie trailers don’t anymore and that cannot be discounted. I just wish it were easier to understand what is going on in the film.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2

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