Page Revisions:
(July 21, 2024) Original
(October 13, 2024) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#1-#5)
Release Date:
October 18, 2024
From IMDb: “Anora is a comedy about a sex worker shot in New York City and Las Vegas.”
Poster Rating: C / C / C / C / C
Review: (#1-#5, C) All of these designs, while unique to one another, feel overly familiar and uninspired with simple images from the film. Taken together, they somewhat express who the main character is but ultimately won’t be seen together and thus not tell much of a story on their own. The second does have its uniqueness but it’s such a drab design that it doesn’t stand much on its own either.
Trailer Rating: C / C / C+
Review: (#1-#2, C) The sole difference between these two trailers (one green band and one red band) is that the red band trailer adds coarse language. The trailers are otherwise cut the same and neither gets at the heart of the drama in the film with any measure of enticement. Granted, most people going into this film will probably already know of its award win at Cannes but they are likely to already be committed to seeing the film whereas anyone else is not likely to find something terribly exciting here.
(#3, C+) What you could get out of this trailer isn’t much different than the prior and while it does a better job highlighting Anora’s story and building some measure of interest in her success, it all still feels a bit formulaic.
Oscar Prospects:
It won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, which puts it into the Oscar race even if it wouldn’t typically be Oscar material.
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