




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: The first thing that caught my attention was the Michael Moore clone with a sandwich, making fun of Moore’s weight. It’s a low blow, but expected in a parody. The rest of the poster, however, seems overzealous and unexceptional trying to play on the dislike of Moore’s persona to sell tickets.

Trailer Rating: C-

Review: I am a fan of parodies and while most of them have been awful, there’s always been something in them that I’ve enjoyed. While I’m not often offended by people and situations being made fun of, most often those jokes are based on truths and seldom call into question an individuals patriotism. Disagreeing with Michael Moore is one thing, but moving from suggesting he doesn’t know how to believe in his country or that he hasn’t the country’s best interests in heart, the film also pokes fun at Muslims with its mohammed reference. It would be one thing if the film was made BY Arabs. It’s another thing altogether when it’s made by Americans. The joke falls flat quickly and with two strikes against the film in one trailer, this isn’t the kind of movie that will succeed or even merit viewing.

Oscar Prospects:

David Zucker will never be invited to the Oscars as a nominee…at least not with his present output.

Release Date:

October 3, 2008

Page Revisions:

August 24, 2008 – Original

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