




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: Jason Lee looks nothing like the original David Seville, yet his face is plastered on the poster larger than the chipmunks themselves. And what’s with that look. You think he’s possibly frustrated, but the raised eyebrow suggests curiosity. That confusion only helps cloud the minds of the viewer, which might be just enough to get people into the theater.

Trailer Rating: C; B

Review: Obnoxiously overdone, this trailer features a number of things I hate about this kind of film. Mixing computer animation with live action only displays how crappy the animation is. They are careful to avoid any human-chipmunk interaction because it’s likely the blend isn’t what it needs to be.

The animation isn’t too obnoxious and there are several genuinely funny moments in the trailer, but with so many featured, I’m doubtful there will be enough left in the film and I just have to say that Jason Lee does not fit the part whatsoever.

Oscar Prospects:

Too much live action takes away from the film’s animation and thus exempts it from that competition. Not like it would have been a competitor, but its exclusion and the slow release of other animated films this year, may mean another year of three nominations.

Release Date:

December 14, 2007

Page Revisions:

August 4, 2007 – Original
December 22, 2007 – New Trailer

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