Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: C
Review: There isn’t anything spectacular about this poster. Mandy Lane is in the forefront and the rest of the players are silhouetted in the rear…at least the boys are as if they are all stalking her hoping to possess her as the tagline implies.
Trailer Rating: D
Review: Ugh. Another teens-in-peril horror film about a serial killer wanting to be alone with titular Mandy Lane by killing everyone else. Seemingly more high tech than Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, both of which the trailer stylistically resembles. However, I don’t expect this to be a success, but one would have thought the nail was in the coffin long ago, but so far no luck.
Oscar Prospects:
Horror is its own worst enemy. Consistently stealing from the originals that have come before them, modern horror films are far from Oscar contenders.
Release Date:
TBDI have not seen this film.
Page Revisions:
July 21, 2007 – Original
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