Page Revisions:
(December 3, 2017) Original
(February 18, 2018) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#1-#2)
(April 1, 2018) New Posters (#3-#4)
(April 8, 2018) New Trailer (#3)
Release Date:
April 6, 2018
From IMDb: “A family live [sic] an isolated existence in utter silence, for fear of an unknown threat that follows and attacks at any sound.”
Poster Rating: C / D+ / C- / C
Review: (#1) Far too many horror designs have gone with this particular color palette and a grainy overlay that makes the film look featureless and cheap. (#2) Will this poster design really sell the movie? I doubt it. The seemingly faux tear, the awful bloody redness, and the patently cheap looking claw mark do not make this film look that interesting.
(#3) It’s the second poster, except with normal colors and a large slash through it. An improvement, but not much of one. (#4) It’s odd, but the best poster is also for an Asian market. There are a lot of interesting details, but also few distinctive colors or background details.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B / B
Review: (#1) I saw this in the theater prior to watching the online version and I was quite impressed how fascinating it played on the big screen. Although a couple in the audience I saw it with were nonplussed (and annoying) about it, I thought the concept was compelling in its presentation and inventive in its approach to horror cinema.
(#2) It’s surprising that a trailer can present a film that still looks fascinating while also feeling less exciting as a result. This poster still suggests plenty of intriguing elements, but may have also given away some of its mystery and ruining it for the astute viewer.
(#3) Like the second trailer, the more we see about this film, the less conceptual it feels. That said, there are a lot of interesting scenes in this trailer, which could make it a worthy watch based on trailer alone.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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