




Poster #1

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Trailer Link

Release Date:

February 27, 2015


From IMDb: “A young and disoriented British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast in 1971.”

Poster: C+ / C / C+

Review: (#1) A full body shot that exposes enough setting in the background to give it a gritty, realistic feel. (#2) This close up is meant to push the attractive lead as a potential drawing point for women even though the film itself doesn’t quite target that audience very effectively.

(#2) While I normally love the image within a silhouette design, this one leaves a lot to be desired, namely a lack of detail. I can appreciate that he’s on his own mind, but is that really the kind of self-effacing narrative they are hoping for?

Trailer: B

Review: A fiery, frenetic excursion behind “enemy lines” as a British soldier finds himself fending for his life in war-torn Belfast with declared enemies all around. The trailer sets the stakes fairly well and pushes the audience towards wondering not only how he’s going to survive, but if he’ll be a changed man after leaving.

Oscar Prospects:



(January 4, 2015) Original
(February 22, 2015) New Poster (#3)

Additional Posters

Poster #2Poster #3

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