Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B Review: It’s a strong statement about how to use sex to sell a film. Although the poster hardly gives much of an impression of the film’s subject, the sexy poses and ultra-glossy presentation make…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B Review: Instead of mixing live-action and animation, this poster gets it nearly write. While being unbearably yellow, the poster tells us all about the documentary without overwhelming us with details. The green on yellow,…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C- Review: Oooh. Liv Tyler crawling bloodily across a floor while surrounded by a urine-colored yellow. It’s the opposite end of unappealing and is only a small step above the placeholder posters I generally find…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B Review: If the trailer or any other material could show us what the flag of this pseudo-futuristic story looked like, then the poster might be a bit more evocative. It does look somewhat like…
You know it’s Fall when Hollywood begins to release its big gun Oscar hopefuls and the year’s earlier contenders start to make it to DVD. So far this year there’s been only one film consistently generating Oscar buzz and it’s just been released on DVD. Actress Sarah Polley’s directorial debut, Away From Her, is a…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B- Review: How this poster has much to do with the film, I don’t know. The trailer goes to great lengths to keep the film’s secret but this poster suggests some bizarre Pan’s Labyrinth creation…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C; C-; C+ Review: Like the trailer, this poster is rather lifeless. It’s a reduction to a suit, which certainly fits the theme of the character, but it’s not very evocative and not very much…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C-; D- Review: Airbrushed to the hilt, this poster is as appealing as a road accident. Sure, it features people we’re curious to get a look at, but there’s really nothing aethestically pleasing that should…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C+ Review: There’s nothing really zen about this poster. It’s rather weak and lacking in presentation. It also hides the fact that the film is a documentary about zen cooking, which only serves to confuse…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B Review: There’s a little bit of cool and chic in this poster. The mirrored words of Youth and “Francis Ford Coppola” give it a surreal quality and with all of the roses blending with…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B Review: As we get into Oscar season, the posters are going to start looking a lot like the advertising and this is certainly no exception. Highlighting the stars of the film with a scene…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C+ Review: The split-screen poster has become rather cliche and despite an impressive trailer, there’s little impressive about the poster. Here we have the beauty of nature accompanying the image of Keira Knightley and the…
Sunday, September 16 is the broadcast date for the 59th Annual Emmy Awards. I basically hate the Emmys. I watch the show every year and kick myself afterward for wasting my time. The show is long and boring and they give out way too many awards, usually to the same shows and people they awarded…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: C+; C+ Review: The posters are meant to be paired and although they share the same “golden” hue to match the film’s story, there’s little of intrinsic value. Both actors do their best giving character-centered…
Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available) Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available) Poster Rating: B- Review: Yellow and black are the new Black, White and Red. This poster makes the film seem like an upper crust version of The Squid and the Whale. Trailer Rating: C- Review: Everything about…
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