




Poster #1

Additional posters can be found below.

Trailer Link

Release Date:

November 14, 2014


From IMDb: “A claim jumper and a pioneer woman team up to escort three insane women from Nebraska to Iowa.”

Poster: B / C / B

Review: (#1) See my comments in the Serena preview page on this initial poster, each a copy of the other. All that makes this design superior is coloration. (#2) The second is a bit more traditional, but also less colorful and as a result less attractive. (#3) About as visually distinctive as the first design, but re-positioned for all actors, which doesn’t alleviate the irritation.

Trailer: C

Review: A dreadfully pedantic, slow trailer featuring bleak, uninteresting performances and a plot that makes sense, but teeters on the edge of traditionalism. None of which makes it very appealing to a modern audience.

Oscar Prospects:

Tommy Lee Jones’ second directorial effort is likely to suffer the same fate as his first. Appreciation from critics, but ignorance from the Academy. Even with a cast like this, westerns just aren’t Oscar catnip.


(November 9, 2014) Original

Additional Posters

Poster #2Poster #3

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