




Poster #1

Additional posters can be found below.

Trailer Link

Release Date:

December 25, 2014


From IMDb: “A Navy SEAL recounts his military career, which includes more than 150 confirmed kills.”

Poster: B- / C+ / C+

Review: The patriotic element should help the film appeal to middle America, but the design isn’t otherwise very exciting.

(#2 & #3) Even though both designs are incredibly simple, they sell the film as well as they possibly can. They aren’t visually distancing, nor are they very adventurous. I’m not sure they need to be.

Trailer: B+ / B+

Review: Clint Eastwood’s latest film ratchets up the tension without much effort, simply by showing a portion of a single scene from the film. It works to build excitement while establishing this as a film that deconstructs moral decision-making.

(#2) While the tight, tense first trailer hit just the right high notes, this second design does the same, while exploring the film’s actual plot in a way that should make the audience a bit more interested if they weren’t already excited by the prior trailer.

Oscar Prospects:

Clint Eastwood hasn’t had the Oscar mojo he once had, but with this treatise on American patriotism and struggles in the face of dangerous odds could put him back in the hunt.


(October 5, 2014) Original
(December 21, 2014) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#2 & #3)

Additional Posters

Poster #2Poster #3

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