




Results are in for Week #18 of Film Fun Friday.

Game: Identify the Poster

The correct answers were: The Claim (Foreign Poster) and Zombies on Broadway (Negative Poster). No One got these correct.

Game: Quotes

The quote “Face it, they know we’re always trying to nail ’em and they don’t like it. They like it and they don’t like, it’s got nothing to do with you, *name removed*. It just happened.” came from Shampoo. Lallolupo was also here the only person to answer and get this one right.

Game: Oscar Trivia

Apocalypto was the only one of those three films that was not on the list of seven finalists for the Visual Effects award in 2006. Lallolupo was the only one who took a stab at it and he got it correct.

Game: Six Degrees of Oscar Separation

Peter and Alex S. both proved that Ron Howard was an actor before he was a director and nullified by attempt to get people to link to him as a director. Such is life. Both made successful, quick connections.

And that’s our results for this week. Come back Friday for more fun and games.

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