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Release Date:

March 14, 2014


From IMDb: “A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie.”

Poster: A / A / B-

Review: (#1-#3) Although the first design isn’t as plot-centric as the second, both designs are wildly inventive and creatively diverse. They don’t rely on one another to create a theme and someone viewing either apart might conjure images of differing types of films, which might encourage attendance, especially from the art house crowd. The third design doesn’t sell the star of the film and doesn’t look very imaginative.

Trailer: B+

Review: The trailer twists and turns almost from the beginning, which should help engage the audience with its unusual plot elements. You aren’t given every bit of information, nor are you entirely confused by the prospects. It works quite well.

Oscar Prospects:

Denis Villeneuve’s prior film, Prisoners, was nominated for the Oscar for Cinematography. However, that likely had more to do with it being Roger Deakins than it did Villeneuve’s style. As such,


(February 9, 2014) Original

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