



AllIsLostLionsgate / Roadside Attractions seems most interested in All Is Lost even though they have other potential contenders.

All Is Lost

Stars: Robert Redford
Director: J.C. Chandor
Premise: From IMDb: “After a collision with a shipping container at sea, a resourceful sailor finds himself, despite all efforts to the contrary, staring his mortality in the face.”
Oscar Chances: Solid: Robert Redford seems to be getting plenty of buzz on the Best Actor front, which should guarantee his nomination. The film has had light buzz for other categories including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay.
Campaign-Proposed Categories:

  • Best Picture (Neal Dodson, Anna Gerb)
  • Best Actor (Robert Redford)
  • Best Director (J.C. Chandor)
  • Best Original Screenplay (J.C. Chandor)
  • Best Cinematography (Frank G. DeMarco, Peter Zuccarini)
  • Best Production Design (John P. Goldsmith, Gabriela Ramirez)
  • Best Film Editing (Pete Beaudreau)
  • Best Visual Effects (Robert Munroe, Colin Davies, Brendon O’Dell)
  • Best Costume Design (Van Broughton Ramsey)
  • Best Sound Editing (Richard Hymns, Steve Boeddeker)
  • Best Sound Mixing (Steve Boeddeker, Brandon Proctor, Micah Bloomberg)
  • Best Makeup and Hairstyling (Corey Castellano, Laine Trzinski)
  • Best Original Score (Alex Ebert)
  • Best Original Song (“Amen” – Alex Ebert)

Rotten Tomatoes:
95% (8.0 average rating) (149 critics; as of 11/29/13)
87 out of 100 (43 critics; as of 11/29/13)

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