




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: Colorful for sure, but to entice an audience, this image won’t cut it. It might draw a few art majors, but it’s hardly worth noticing unless you know what the subject is.

Trailer Rating: C; C

Review: The trailer looks woefully unexceptional. Unlike the soul of a painter the film claims to examine, the film looks like paint-by-numbers storytelling.

The second trailer starts off quite well, making the film look like a more interesting exploration of life through the medium of painting, but eventually, the preview devolves into you typical, paint-by-numbers inspirational film about self discovery that over-accentuates the love interests.

Oscar Prospects:

If Armin Mueller-Stahl couldn’t get nominated for Eastern Promises, I doubt he’ll be nommed for this.

Release Date:

December 5, 2008


There are times when the film is on target in terms of existential philosophy, but mostly the film is off that mark.

Page Revisions:

August 31, 2008 – Original
October 19, 2008 – New Release Date (changed from 11/7/08)
December 14, 2008 – New Trailer

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