Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: C+
Review: As interesting as the preview looks, you would expect a great deal more from the poster. We get that Antarctica is a vast expanse of ice, but when we see a documentary about Antartica, we want something a little stronger visually.
Trailer Rating: B
Review: There are some breathtaking scenes in the trailer, making this a nature documentary worth checking out. Thematically, I’m not certain where the film is going, but at least it’s got some terrific cinematography.
Oscar Prospects:
With so many nature documentaries in competition, it’s difficult to see any one in particular standing out in front, especially with all of the political docs out there. However, Werner Herzog could pull off a nomination with this one if it speaks enough to the human condition.
Release Date:
June 11, 2008
Page Revisions:
July 6, 2008 – Original
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