




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: The poste rmakes the film look far too much like a summer blockbuster. Maybe that’s their intention, but it’s rather irritating. Though, it is nice to see the poster following directly after the trailer with the missing head of Lady Liberty.

Trailer Rating: B; B

Review: The buzz on this trailer on the internet may have killed my anticipation for the film. I heard about the trailer long before I saw it. Had the internet community given it more legs before falling all over it, it might have been more exciting to watch. Unfortunately, this film looks like another grade-B sci-fi monster film.

If this trailer doesn’t pack audiences into the theater, nothing will. It’s a monster flick for certain, but the exact nature is playfully kept under wraps. I respect that a great deal. While I’d love to know more, the excitement is much more palpable this way. The film also has an official title Cloverfield.

Oscar Prospects:

Maybe some Visual Effects or Art Direction attention, but we’ll need to see a lot more before we know for sure.

Release Date:

January 18, 2008


A new twist on the monster movie isn’t exceedingly successful, even if it delivers some strong imagery.

Page Revisions:

July 14, 2007 – Original
August 18, 2007 – New Poster
November 24, 2007 – New Trailer; Official Title Revealed
September 30, 2008 – Review Posted

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