




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C; C-

Review: Too much orange. Too small of text. From the Sideways-esque design and the mostly unfunny trailer, I wouldn’t think that the words here would make it much better.

I haven’t seen a poster like this for quite some time and I was beginning to hope the rudimentary hand-drawn artwork was a thing of the past, but not only do they used these stylized characters, they put it on a real life background, which doesn’t help in the least. Sure, the people are representing the plot of the film, but looking at this, who would care that much?

Trailer Rating: C+

Review: There are only one or two humorous moments here and its decidedly pro-“hick” slant make for a relatively boring film. It seems more like a diatribe against the French than it does an inspiration polemic.

Oscar Prospects:

Alan Rikcman isn’t going to be going to the Oscars for this film, though I do hope one day he gets something significantly better in the near future.

Release Date:

August 6, 2008

Page Revisions:

June 15, 2008 – Original
August 24, 2008 – New Poster; Buy the Poster Enabled

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