Below is a wrap-up of the predictions I made several months ago, an exploration of what succeeded and what failed, and how I observe things to have gone.
January 7, 2022
The 355
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “None.”
Oscar Results: Still None.
Box Office Prospects: $35 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Poor. This film has been held back longer than it should have and its concept isn’t likely to liven up the January box office.”
Box Office Results: $14.6 M
Thoughts: [Major Flop] During the winter months, when COVID-19 infections were surging, it was rare for a movie to do well, especially one without a built-in audience like this one.
A Hero (Limited)
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “Good. It’s one of the handful of foreign language films that could compete for a nomination, though a win is unlikely.”
Oscar Results: Now none. It failed to score a single Oscar nomination.
Box Office Prospects: $0.5 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Poor. Independent cinema has been hurt severely by the pandemic and I don’t see this film fixing that.”
Box Office Results: $N/A M
Thoughts: Released direct to Amazon Prime.
January 14, 2022
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “None.”
Oscar Results: Still None.
Box Office Prospects: $85 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Uncertain. The franchise petered out after three films and it’s been far too many years to be generally competitive, but stranger things have happened.”
Box Office Results: $81.6 M
Thoughts: [Success] In a pandemic period, this kind of result is pretty good when in a normal year, it might have risen much higher.
January 21, 2022
The King’s Daughter
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “None.”
Oscar Results: Still None.
Box Office Prospects: $25 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Poor. The film’s prospects weren’t high to begin with, but releasing in the doldrums of January isn’t the best move.”
Box Office Results: $1.7 M
Thoughts: [Major Flop] This is the kind of movie that Disney used to make a lot of, but doesn’t really see any benefit in. This box office failure demonstrates why.
Redeeming Love
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “None.”
Oscar Results: Still None.
Box Office Prospects: $15 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Weak. The film never had a lot of box office prospects and releasing outside the Valentine’s Day window seems like a misstep even if the plot itself weren’t a warning sign.”
Box Office Results: $9.2 M
Thoughts: [Flop] To absolutely no one’s surprise, this film did poorly at the box office. That it did better than Pierce Brosnan’s film has to be especially galling.
January 28, 2022
Oscar Prospects: What I said: “None.”
Oscar Results: Still None.
Box Office Prospects: $120 M
Box Office Expectations: What I Said: “Uncertain. On the one hand, Spider-Man‘s box office was excellent. On the other, Sony has struggled to get anything else to light up the box office.”
Box Office Results: $73.6 M
Thoughts: [Flop] Released in March instead. When so many other superhero films are doing boffo box office, it shows just how bad the movie was that it could perform this dismally.
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