Month: January 2014

  • Poll: Now That You’ve Seen “Ride Along”

    Return Links Poll Archives Now That You’ve Seen Ride Along…? Cinema Sight Asks: Now that you’ve seen “Ride Along,” what’s your favorite Kevin Hart performance? Public OpinionPoll Results

  • Film Preview: Godzilla (2014)

    Poster Additional posters can be found below. Trailer Link Release Date: May 16, 2014 Synopsis: From IMDb: “A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla appears to wreak destruction on mankind.” Poster: A- / B / B / C+ / B+ / B (2) / B (7) / B+ Review: (#1-#3) Design #1 is a fascinating, beautiful…

  • Oscar Preview: Weekend of Jan. 17-19, 2014

    We had one film release this past weekend with the potential for Oscar nominations. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit When you look for Oscar contenders, it’s important to look beyond the high profile, message movies and give films that have a chance at tech nominations a look. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a spy thriller that…

  • The Morning After: Jan. 20, 2014

    Welcome to The Morning After, where I share with you what I’ve seen over the past week either in film or television. On the film side, if I have written a full length review already, I will post a link to that review. Otherwise, I’ll give a brief snippet of my thoughts on the film…

  • Oscar Preview: Precursor Winners & Losers, Week 8

    As the precursor awards continue unabated through the month of December, I’m going to be providing a weekly update highlighting the films that have won and lost momentum through the precursor awards (this will be in place of my prior weekly article “Oscar Preview”. Now that the Oscar nominations have been announced, we’re in the…

  • This Day in Oscar History: January 20 (2014)

    Here’s what happened today in Oscar History. Born Died Released

  • Precursor: 25th Producers Guild Awards (2013)

    For the first time in its history, the Producers Guild has ended in a tie giving their awards to 12 Years a Slave and Gravity. With American Hustle shut out, this race may have shifted into a two-film competition. Don’t count David O. Russell out. He could still pick up the DGA prize next weekend…

  • Poll: What Are You Most Anticipating? (February 2014, Wide)

    Return Links Poll Archives What Are You Most Anticipating? (February 2014, Wide) Cinema Sight Asks: Which February 2014 wide release film are you most anticipating? Public OpinionPoll Results

  • The Inbox (Jan. 11-17, 2014)

    Every week, I get several press releases, screening invitations and other notifications from a handful of studio contacts. While I won’t be sharing any information regarding my screening invites, some of the press releases might be of interest to my readers, so I thought I’d start sharing them in toto with all of you. These…

  • Weekend Preview: Jan. 24-26, 2014

    Below are nine previews for films opening next weekend.

  • Film Preview: Visitors (2014)

    Poster Additional posters can be found below. Trailer Link Release Date: January 24, 2014 Synopsis: From IMDb: “Director Godfrey Reggio reveals humanity’s trance-like relationship with technology, which, when commandeered by extreme emotional states, produces massive effects far beyond the human species.” Poster: C+ (5) Review: These designs are similarly aligned and could constitute character posters,…

  • Film Preview: Gimme Shelter (2014)

    Poster Trailer Link Release Date: January 24, 2014 Synopsis: From IMDb: “A teenager sets out to find her Wall Street father and is forced into the streets in a desperate journey of survival. Based on a true story.” Poster: C- Review: A generic, lifeless poster that never lets its creativity shine even if the sun…

  • This Day in Oscar History: January 19 (2014)

    Here’s what happened today in Oscar History. Born Died Released

  • Precursor: 20th Screen Actors Guild Awards (2013)

    Welcome to the 20th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. I will be posting the winners live as they are announced. Below are the nominations in categories that have not yet been announced. The Award Tallies section will be updated as the night progresses. In addition, our contributors’ predictions are included and will remain part of…

  • 2013 Precursor Predictions: Producers Guild

    Sunday evening, the Producers Guild of America will have a private gathering, not open to the public, where they will announce their winners for this year’s best in three film categories. Those results could have ripple effects not just for Academy voters, but across the blogosphere with the results being a telegraph of the upcoming…

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