Month: January 2014

  • The Inbox (Jan. 18-24, 2014)

    Every week, I get several press releases, screening invitations and other notifications from a handful of studio contacts. While I won’t be sharing any information regarding my screening invites, some of the press releases might be of interest to my readers, so I thought I’d start sharing them in toto with all of you. These…

  • Gallery: The Lego Movie (2014)

    Below is a gallery for the upcoming film The Lego Movie.

  • Weekend Preview: Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2014

    Below are three previews for films opening next weekend.

  • Film Preview: Best Night Ever (2014)

    Poster Trailer Link Release Date: January 31, 2014 Synopsis: From IMDb: “Claire is about to get married and she goes to Las Vegas with her sister and two friends for her bachelorette party. Things quickly spiral out of control.” Poster: D Review: The title blends into the background and the film looks like it’s called…

  • Precursor: 18th Online Film & TV Association Nominations (2013)

    The Online Film & Television Association have announced their 18th Annual slate of the best of the year. Founded to recognize excellence, the small but dedicated group always has interesting choices, even if some of them are modestly questionable. 12 Years a Slave becomes only the fifth non-musical film in the group’s history to secure…

  • This Day in Oscar History: January 26 (2014)

    Here’s what happened today in Oscar History. Born Died Ceremonies

  • Precursor: 66th Directors Guild of America Awards (2013)

    After an interminable wait (the awards ceremony went long), we finally have a winner. As expected, the director of the biggest spectacle with the most technical aspects to jungle has won the DGA award. It’s not surprising and after his run of precursors, should we have expected anything else. This is likely to mean the…

  • 86th Oscars: The DGA and a Potential Split

    When I was writing the intro to our DGA predictions for yesterday, I was contemplating the Best Picture/Best Director split and how the Directors Guild of America (DGA) may help us forecast such an occurrence. Keep in mind, this is a theory as the Oscar electorate changes each year as younger members join. With the…

  • This Day in Oscar History: January 25 (2014)

    Here’s what happened today in Oscar History. Born Died Released Ceremonies

  • Film Preview: Love Is in the Air (2014)

    Poster Trailer Link Release Date: January 31, 2014 Synopsis: From IMDb: “Antoine is a lawyer living in New York. On his way back to France for the final round of a job interview, Antoine finds himself sitting right next to his ex-girlfriend Julie. With a seven-hour flight ahead of them, they are going to have…

  • Oscar in Box Office History (Week 4, 2014)

    Every week, we’ll take a look back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years into the box office past to explore how Oscar’s nominees were doing at the box office that weekend historically. All data is taken from Box Office Mojo. The first section under each year is the positioning of all Oscar nominees…

  • The NEW Friday Face-Off #25

    We started over at the beginning of August 2013, but with a new, more streamlined methodology to collecting votes. Just choose one selection in each of the ten categories below. Our first few weeks will be to select winners in cases of ties or in years where multiple categories existed for each discipline. After that,…

  • 2013 Precursor Predictions: Directors Guild

    The DGA has been an accurate predictor of the Best Director winner at the Oscars in nearly every year they’ve existed. Discounting the unaligned eligibility periods of the first two years, the DGA has failed to predict Oscar in only seven contests: 1968, 1972, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2012. In three of those years (1985,…

  • This Day in Oscar History: January 24 (2014)

    Here’s what happened today in Oscar History. Born Died Released

  • Poll: Best Cinematography (1958 – 1962)

    Return Links Poll Archives Best Cinematography Poll: 1958 – 1962 Cinema Sight Asks: Which Best Cinematography winner is best? Public OpinionPoll Results

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